Project 1: Upright time-resolved MRI

Enrollment: Universita degli Studi di Genova

Host institution: ASG Superconductors S.p.A.
Planned secondments

1. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany)
2. Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)
3. Terapanacea (France)

Application deadline
Michele Piana
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Project description

The open design of the Evo MRI scanner with horizontal main field direction and vertical pole plates permits unique positional changes of patients which are, among many other applications, of great interest in upright RT.  In this context, the development of fast imaging and reconstruction techniques are of high relevance. The PhD student will be directly involved in the development process with the help of senior  engineers and scientists. The academic support will be provided by the department of mathematics, laboratory of “Methods for Image and Data Analysis” (MIDA) at the University of Genoa with substantial courses on the mathematical foundations of MR image analysis, reconstruction, and filtering. 

An important part of upright RT and cancer treatment is the characterization of the various organs and tissues in different positions. This is made evident in an example of cross-sectional liver scans during breathing (Figure 1). It applies, for example, to the dynamic variations during breathing of patients in upright positions which are not yet well studied by conventional imaging methods.  The differences between supine and standing positions are much smaller but nevertheless utmost important for accurate tumor delineation. This requires faster 3-dimensional MR data acquisitions with corresponding reconstruction and interpolation techniques.  

Figure 1: Sagittal cross section of the liver-lung interface at two different breathing states. 


Applicant tasks 

  • Get to know the existing possibilities in MR imaging by using the MROpen EVO scanner for generating time-resolved MR imaging data, creating scan protocols and writing sequences.  
  • Use, implement and optimize conventional and sub-sampling imaging techniques. 
  • Explore time-resolved image reconstruction for better morphologic data and pseudo real-time displays, in the face of under-sampled data and low signal to noise acquisition.  
  • Devise different imaging protocols to generate ground-truth data for machine learning for clinical MR applications. 
  • Provide  a useful machine learning imaging database available for related projects. 
  • Characterization of the hardware and software requirements corresponding to a successful use of MR imaging for upright RT. 
  • Collaborate with all other students on their respective objectives, specifically at PSI, TheraPanacea and HZR. Planned secondments are at: 
    • TheraPanacea (Paris, France, 3 weeks) for AI training to provide background for the imaging reference data (ground-truth dataset) 
    • PSI (Villingen, Switzerland, 3 weeks) for insights into clinical supine MRI and in-room setup imaging 
    • HZDR (Dresden, Germany, 3 month) for testing devised sequences at the open-bore in-isocenter MRI 


Applicant profile 

  • Higher education in Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field.  
  • Good knowledge of spoken and written English with academic writing skills. 
  •  Experience in medical image analysis and deep learning frameworks.  
  • Ability to work independently and effectively.  
  • Excellent understanding for team working requirements. 


Application process 

If you find this position interesting and would like to work in an exceptional, international, strongly innovative environment, please send your full application documents, including the filled application form, motivation letter, short CV, list of most important publications with explanation of your own contribution, and information of your earliest possible starting date. If you are applying for more than one UPLIFT PhD position, you may indicate your top 3 preferences in the application form. Please submit your application through the form below until January 15, 2025. If you have questions, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

We anticipate video conference interviews with candidates starting in the third week of February,
for start dates from March 2025. Applications submitted without any of the required documents will not be considered.  

Candidates can be of any nationality but must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Applicants should be within the first four years of their research careers and must not have been awarded a doctoral degree. Submitted applications will be evaluated in accordance with the European Code of Conduct for Recruitment. 




ASG Superconductors S.p.A.

ASG Superconductors is an Italian company located in the superb port town of Genoa at the foot of the Ligurian mountains. The company is renown worldwide for its production of sophisticated superconducting cables and coils for magnetic fields of various sizes and shapes, for superconducting high-field MRI magnets with excellent field homogeneity. The superconducting open MR scanner (MROpen Evo) at 0.5T field strength enables MRI in various body postures between supine and upright – a key to understand the patient anatomy in upright positioning.