Project 6: Clinical upright radiotherapy workflow at a photon centre

Enrollment: Centre de Lutte Contre Le Cancer Leon Berard

Host institution: Centre de Lutte Contre Le Cancer Leon Berard
Planned secondments

1. Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (Italy)
2. Sheffield Hallam University (UK)
3. Cosylab (Slovenia)

Application deadline
Lionel Perrier
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Project description

In radiotherapy, patients are typically treated in supine position, with the arm of the linear accelerator rotating around the patients. The preparatory CT-scan (i.e. the planning CT) is thus performed in the same position as typically done for diagnostic imaging. 

However, several recent studies suggested that patient positioning in an upright position (sitting or standing) could improve treatment delivery to some tumor locations. In pelvic tumors, in upright positioning, the bladder is more elongated in anterior posterior direction and the distance between the sacrum and the bladder is reduced, suggesting that the small bowel could be spared more efficiently during radiotherapy. In the thorax, it has been shown that the breathing motion and especially the cranio-caudal movement is significantly reduced, thus contributing to the generation of a much smaller PTV, thus allowing irradiation of less lung tissue. In head and neck tumor, on top of improved patient comfort, upright positioning could better separate the tumor volume from the posterior pharyngeal wall, thus contributing to lower dose delivery on the constrictor muscles, thus less radiation-induced dysphagia. 

In this framework, the goal of the project is to demonstrate and quantitate the advantages and disadvantages of up-right radiotherapy patient positioning in comparison to the standard positioning for head and neck, lung and breast cancer patients. More specifically this project will focus on patient positioning set-up for patients with lung, breast and head and neck tumors. 


  • To define the optimal up-right patient setting in term of seat position, back rest angle, arm positioning, need of bra (for breast tumor) and back vacuum cushion for patients with lung and breast cancer. 
  • To quantitate the positioning accuracy using a surface guiding system and assess the intra-fraction and inter-fraction variability for patients with lung and breast cancer. 
  • To assess the patient satisfaction when position in comparison with the supine positioning using a Lykert scale. for patients with lung and breast cancer 
  • To define the protocol for the up-right CT-scan acquisition for patients with lung and breast cancer. 
  • To contribute in collaboration with a radiation oncologist to the delineation of the organs-at-risk for patients imaged in up-right positioning for patients with lung and breast cancer.  
  • To contribute in collaboration with a radiation oncologist to the definition of the optimal clinical workflow for patients treated in up-right position.


Your profile 

  • Higher education as radiation therapist with at least 3 years of clinical experience and treatment planning experience 
  • A master degree in public healthcare or equivalent 
  • Good knowledge in English. Knowledge of French will be helpful 
  • Experience in patient positioning assessment is highly desirable 
  • Creativity, problem-solving and communication skills 
  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team 


Application process 

If you find this position interesting and would like to work in an exceptional, international, strongly innovative environment, please send your full application documents, including the filled application form, motivation letter, short CV, list of most important publications with explanation of your own contribution, and information of your earliest possible starting date. If you are applying for more than one UPLIFT PhD position, you may indicate your top 3 preferences in the application form. Please submit your application through the form below until January 15, 2025. If you have questions, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

We anticipate video conference interviews with candidates starting in the third week of February,
for start dates from March 2025. Applications submitted without any of the required documents will not be considered.  

Candidates can be of any nationality but must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date. Applicants should be within the first four years of their research careers and must not have been awarded a doctoral degree. Submitted applications will be evaluated in accordance with the European Code of Conduct for Recruitment. 



Centre de Lutte Contre Le Cancer Leon Berard

The Centre Léon Bérard is a comprehensive cancer center, member of the French Federation of Cancer Centres, UNICANCER. The CLB has three main missions that are to cure, treat and teach, to offer the best quality care to cancer patients. The bench-to-bedside process is one of CLB’s strengths hosting excellent multidisciplinary research and innovative care, in collaboration with institutional and private partners. The Radiation Oncology Department was the first to adopt the concept of upright treatment with photons in a comprehensive research programme.